RACECAR Tutorial [ICRA '19]


May 24, 2019 Montreal, Canada


Welcome to the ICRA’19 RACECAR Tutorial Website. This page serves as a hub for the live tutorial held on 2019-05-24 as well as a record for future reference.

Tutorial Goals
1. Provide participants an overview of the open sourced MIT RACECAR platform as both a research and education platform
2. Have participants gain hands-on experience working with the platform
3. Have participants apply what they learned in a culminating competitive race – fastest team wins a new NVIDIA Jetson TX2!


Time Event
0830-0900 Computer Setup
0900-0930 Presentation on Platform Overview
0930-1000 Computer Setup Check-In
1000-1030 Coffee Break
1030-1200 Wall Follower Lab - Simulator
1200-1230 Presentation from Steve McGill from TRI
1230-1330 Lunch Break
1330-1345 Presentation from Zach Dodds from HMC
1345-1500 Wall Follower Lab - Hardware
1500-1530 Coffee Break
1530-1700 Race Prep
1700-1730 Race

Contact Us

Thank you for joining us at the ICRA’19 RACECAR Tutorial! Feel free to contact us with questions or feedback at racecar@mit.edu